Learn Korean online!

Dongguk University’s beginner Korean course - Talk Talk Talk Korean was designed to teach you Korean fast, study useful everyday Korean and also learn about Korean culture.

Course overview


  • Conversation based classes with combinations of speaking, expressions and Korean culture with a total of 32 units (TOPIK Level 1)

  • Each unit consists of 3 lessons 1: Korean Culture, 2: Lecture (Expressions and grammar), 3: Practice quiz

  • Real-life situation examples to improve conversational skills, including pronunciation practise, follow along with practice videos and conversation practice.


  • Q: Why should I take this course?

    This course has been made in conjunction with Dongguk University, with certified and experienced professors and teachers at the university in order to give the best learning experience in an on-demand online course. It’s perfect for those who want to start their Korean Language journey or have an ambition to one day study Korean at the University.

  • Q: Can anyone take this course?

    Anyone can start learning Korean with this course. The lessons are provided in a video on demand (VOD) style. You can watch them whenever and wherever you want!

  • Q: Do I need to know some Korean beforehand?

    To get the most out of the course you should at least have a basic understanding of the Korean alphabet (Hangul).

  • Q: Why are there two parts to this course?

    The full Talk Talk Talk Korean course has 32 units but has been split into two parts to allow people to break up the term into two smaller sections to more easily fit into anyone's schedule. Part 1 contains lesson 1 to lesson 16, and Part 2 contains lesson 17 to lesson 32. We strongly recommend attending Part 1 first before taking Part 2.

  • Q: How are the classes scheduled?

    Part 1 of the course will be released on DATE and you will have 1 new unit (Lesson 1 has 3 units) every weekday until all 17 units are released. You can choose to do the lessons as they are released or on your own schedule as you will have access to the content for 3 months.

  • Q: Will I be able to ask questions to the teachers?

    Yes, you can use our student communication system and communicate with the course teachers, our team and other students directly.

  • Q: How much is the course?

    Each Part of the Talk Talk Talk Korean Course costs $300.00, and you have a total of three months after the date you pay to complete the course.

  • Q: Will I get a certificate for finishing a course?

    You will receive an official level 1 certificate from Dongguk University If you complete both part 1 and part 2 of the Talk Talk Talk Korean course, with 100% lesson completion, submit all the quizzes and pass the final test with a score of 80.

  • Q: How is the course structured?

    See the course syllabus below.

Course curriculum

  • 2

    Before starting the course

    • How to use the course platform

    • Join the Student Community

  • 3

    Introducing the Korean alphabet

  • 4

    Lesson 17

  • 5

    Lesson 18

    • Lesson 18 plan and material

    • VOD 18-1

    • VOD 18-2

    • VOD 18-3

    • Lesson 18 audio

  • 6

    Lesson 19

    • Lesson 19 plan and material

    • VOD 19-1

    • VOD 19-2

    • VOD 19-3

    • Lesson 19 audio

  • 7

    Lesson 20

    • Lesson 20 plan and material

    • VOD 20-1

    • VOD 20-2

    • VOD 20-3

    • Lesson 20 audio

  • 8

    Lesson 21

    • Lesson 21 plan and material

    • VOD 21-1

    • VOD 21-2

    • VOD 21-3

    • Lesson 21 audio

  • 9

    Lesson 22

    • Lesson 22 plan and material

    • VOD 22-1

    • VOD 22-2

    • VOD 22-3

    • Lesson 22 audio

  • 10

    Lesson 23

    • Lesson 23 plan and material

    • VOD 23-1

    • VOD 23-2

    • VOD 23-3

    • Lesson 23 audio

  • 11

    Lesson 24

    • Lesson 24 plan and material

    • VOD 24-1

    • VOD 24-2

    • VOD 24-3

    • Lesson 24 audio

  • 12

    Lesson 25

    • Lesson 25 plan and material

    • VOD 25-1

    • VOD 25-2

    • VOD 25-3

    • Lesson 25 audio

  • 13

    Lesson 26

    • Lesson 26 plan and material

    • VOD 26-1

    • VOD 26-2

    • VOD 26-3

    • Lesson 26 audio

  • 14

    Lesson 27

    • Lesson 27 plan and material

    • VOD 27-1

    • VOD 27-2

    • VOD 27-3

    • Lesson 27 audio

  • 15

    Lesson 28

    • Lesson 28 plan and material

    • VOD 28-1

    • VOD 28-2

    • VOD 28-3

    • Lesson 28 audio

  • 16

    Lesson 29

    • Lesson 29 plan and material

    • VOD 29-1

    • VOD 29-2

    • VOD 29-3

    • Lesson 29 audio

  • 17

    Lesson 30

    • Lesson 30 plan and material

    • VOD 30-1

    • VOD 30-2

    • VOD 30-3

    • Lesson 30 audio

  • 18

    Lesson 31

    • Lesson 31 plan and material

    • VOD 31-1

    • VOD 31-2

    • VOD 31-3

    • Lesson 31 audio

  • 19

    Lesson 32

    • Lesson 32 plan and material

    • VOD 32-1

    • VOD 32-2

    • VOD 32-3

    • Lesson 32 audio

  • 20

    Final test

    • Final test

  • 21

    What's next

    • What's next?

    • Before you go...we have a few more questions!