Course highlights

  • An intensive 12 week course with a new unit every weekday

  • Certificate of completion from Hanyang University

  • Coverage of TOPIK level 2 material - The official test of proficiency in Korean

  • Regular feedback from the teacher and staff members and much more!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I already need to know some Korean to take this course?

    This course requires the completion of Hanyang's Level 1 curriculum. Please enroll in the Level 1 Hanyang Online Course (or for their course in Korea) if you have not studied Korean previously.

  • Can anyone take these classes?

    This course has been developed based on the beginner level textbook Hanyang Korean 2. Hanyang's Korean language course consists of six levels from Level 1 (beginner) to Level 6 (advanced) and this course is a beginner level grammar class for those who already completed Level 1.

  • How much is the course?

    The 10-week course costs $700.00 ($70.00 per week).

  • Do I have to finish the courses in a specific amount of time or maintain a certain attendance rate?

    The course has an expiration date which is 6 months from the date of purchase. This 12-week course was intended to be completed one week at a time for 12 weeks, studying for about 2 hours a day, Monday to Friday. If you keep to this schedule you can finish the course within 3 months.

  • Will I get a certificate for finishing a course?

    Yes, you can get an official certificate from Hanyang University. There are 2 certificates available (course certificate and Hanyang official certificate). In order to get the official Hanyang certificate you must: 1. Complete 100% of the course lessons. 2. Submit all the speaking homework. 3. Pass the final exam (Grade at least 80%). If you are unable to complete all of the above, but still complete the course, you can get the course certificate only.

  • Will I be able to ask questions to the teachers?

    Yes, you will be able to ask questions and get support from the teachers and the Go! Go! Hanguk staff via the student community. You can always also email us!

  • Who created this course?

    This course has been made with Hanyang University which has offered Korean learning classes for over 20 years. The course is made by certified and experienced professors and teachers at the university in order to give the best Korean learning lectures and is based on the curriculum you would learn if you were in person at their capus. We have made some of the material available for preview so you can see if the course is right for you.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Course introduction

  • 2

    Before starting the course

  • 6

    LESSON 1 - Unit 2

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1 : -(으)려고 / intending to V

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 7

    LESSON 1 - Unit 3

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1 : -(으)시 / Subject honorific suffix

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 8

    LESSON 1 - Unit 4

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1 : -께서 / Honorific subject marker

    • Grammar 2 : -께서는 / Honorific subject marker

    • Summary and Practice

    • Hoemwork

    • Homework answers

  • 9

    LESSON 1 - Unit 5

    • Overview and Vocabulary 1

    • Dialogue 1

    • Vocabulary 2

    • Dialogue 2

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 10

    Lesson 2 - Objective

    • LESSON 2 - Objective

  • 11

    LESSON 2 - Unit 1

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1: -은/ㄴ / Noun modifying form (adjectival ending)

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 12

    LESSON 2 - Unit 2

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1 : -아/어도 되다 / may V (permission)

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 13

    LESSON 2 - Unit 3

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1 : -(으)면 안 되다 / may not V (prohibition)

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 14

    LESSON 2 - Unit 4

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1 : -께 =honorific marker of “에게 to, from”

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 15

    LESSON 2 - Unit 5

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1 : -(이)나 / either N1 or N2

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 16

    LESSON 2 - Unit 6

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1 : -아/어하다 / Expressing the third person’s emotion

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 17

    LESSON 2 - Unit 7

    • Overview and Vocabulary 1

    • Dialogue 1

    • Vocabulary 2

    • Dialogue 2

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 18

    LESSON 3 - Objective

    • LESSON 3 - Objective

  • 19

    LESSON 3 - Unit 1

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1: -는 Noun modifying verbal ending (present tense)

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 20

    LESSON 3 - Unit 2

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1 : -ㄴ/은 / Noun modifying verbal ending (past tense)

    • Grammar 2 : -ㄹ/을 / Noun modifying verbal ending (future tense)

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 21

    LESSON 3 - Unit 3

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1 : -은/ㄴ 적이 있다/없다 =have ever done

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 22

    LESSON 3 - Unit 4

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1 : -는데 / Connective ending of Story developing

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 23

    LESSON 3 - Unit 5

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1 : 동안 =for

    • Grammar 2 : -는 동안 =during V

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 24

    LESSON 3 - Unit 6

    • Overview and Vocabulary 1

    • Dialogue 1

    • Vocabulary 2

    • Dialogue 2

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 25

    LESSON 4 - Objective

    • Lesson 4 - Objective

  • 26

    LESSON 4 - Unit 1

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1 : -을 줄 알다/모르다 / know how to V, don’t know how to V

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 27

    LESSON 4 - Unit 2

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1 : -ㄹ/을 때 / When S+V

    • Grammar 2 : -았/었을 때 / When S + Ved

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 28

    LESSON 4 - Unit 3

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1 : -ㄹ/을까 하다 / Have an intention to V

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 29

    LESSON 4 - Unit 4

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1 : -마다 / every N

    • Grammar 2 : -ㄹ/을 때마다 / Whenever S+V

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 30

    LESSON 4 - Unit 5

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1 : -고 있다 =am/are/is V-ing (Present progressive)

    • Grammar 2 : -고 있었다 = was/were V-ing (Past progressive)

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 31

    LESSON 4 - Unit 6

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Dialogue 1

    • Vocabulary 2

    • Dialogue 2

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 32

    LESSON 5 - Objective

    • Lesson 5 - Objective

  • 33

    LESSON 5 - Unit 1

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1: ~ 같다 / same as N

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 34

    LESSON 5 - Unit 2

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1: ~처럼 / like N

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 35

    LESSON 5 - Unit 3

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1: -게 / Adj-ly

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 36

    LESSON 5 - Unit 4

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1: ㅎ irregular conjugation

    • Grammar 2: -고 있다 / being dressed

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 37

    LESSON 5 - Unit 5

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Review: - 고 있다

    • Grammar 1: -(으)면 –ㄹ/을 텐데… = Wish, desire

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 38

    LESSON 5 - Unit 6

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Dialogue 1

    • Vocabulary 2

    • Dialogue 2

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 39

    LESSON 6 - Objective

    • Lesson 6 - Object

  • 40

    LESSON 6 - Unit 1

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1: - 때문에 / because of

    • Grammar 2: -기 때문에 / because S + V/Adj

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 41

    LESSON 6 - Unit 2

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1: -아/어 반말 / Casual speech style

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 42

    LESSON 6 - Unit 3

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1: -다가 / Holding an action & changing to another

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 43

    LESSON 6 - Unit 4

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1: -기로 하다 decide to

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 44

    LESSON 6 - Unit 5

    • Overview and Vocabulary 1

    • Dialogue 1

    • Vocabulary 2

    • Dialogue 2

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 45

    LESSON 7 - Objective

    • Lesson 7 - Objective

  • 46

    LESSON 7 - Unit 1

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1: 이/가 –에 좋다/나쁘다 / N1 is good /bad for N2

    • Grammar 2: -에는 –는 것이 좋다/나쁘다 / As for N, it is good/bad to V

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 47

    LESSON 7 - Unit 2

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1: - 다 반말 (statement)

    • Grammar 2: -ㄴ/는다 반말 (statement)

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 48

    LESSON 7 - Unit 3

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1: -니/냐 반말 (question ending)

    • Grammar 2: -아/어라 반말 (command) / -자 반말 (suggestion)

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 49

    LESSON 7 - Unit 4

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1: -(이)나 (amount) more than expected

    • Grammar 2: -밖에 없다/안/못 (amount) less than expected

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 50

    LESSON 7 - Unit 5

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1: -지 말고 -(으)세요 / Don’t V1 and V2

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 51

    LESSON 7 - Unit 6

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Dialogue 1

    • Vocabulary 2

    • Dialogue 2

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 52

    LESSON 8 - Objective

    • Lesson 8 - Objective

  • 53

    LESSON 8 - Unit 1

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1: - 뿐이다 / only one N

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answer

  • 54

    LESSON 8 - Unit 2

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1: - 보다 더 = more than (comparison)

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 55

    LESSON 8 - Unit 3

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1: -(으)로 만들다 = be made of

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 56

    LESSON 8 - Unit 4

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1: ~ 후에 (after N)

    • Grammar 2: -(으)ㄴ 후에 = after –ing

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 57

    LESSON 8 - Unit 5

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1: -(으)면 되다 It’s OK only if ~ V

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 58

    LESSON 8 - Unit 6

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Dialogue 1

    • Vocabulary 2

    • Dialogue 2

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 59

    LESSON 9 - Objective

    • Lesson 9 - Objective

  • 60

    LESSON 9 - Unit 1

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar: -아/어지다 become Adj. (Change)

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 61

    LESSON 9 - Unit 2

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar: -거나 (or)

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 62

    LESSON 9 - Unit 3

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar: -아/어야겠다 (will have to V)

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 63

    LESSON 9 - Unit 4

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1: -(ㄴ/는)다고/(이)라고 하다 / Indirect speech (statement)

    • Grammar 2: -냐고 하다 / Indirect speech (question)

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 64

    LESSON 9 - Unit 5

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1: -(으)라고 하다 / Indirect speech (command)

    • Grammar 2: 자고 하다 / Indirect speech (suggestion)

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 65

    LESSON 9 - Unit 6

    • Overview and Vocabulary 1

    • Dialogue 1

    • Vocabulary 2

    • Dialogue 2

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 66

    LESSON 10 - Objective

    • Lesson 10 - Objective

  • 67

    LESSON 10 - Unit 1

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar: -는데/-(으)ㄴ데 / connective ending of background information

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 68

    LESSON 10 - Unit 2

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar: -(으)면 안 될까요? / Making a request

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 69

    LESSON 10 - Unit 3

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar: -았/었다가 / Completing an action and then reversing

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 70

    LESSON 10 - Unit 4

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar: -지요? / Affectionate question ending

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 71

    LESSON 10 - Unit 5

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar: -(으)로 / Choice marker

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 72

    LESSON 10 - Unit 6

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Dialogue 1

    • Vocabulary 2

    • Dialogue 2

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 73

    LESSON 11 - Objective

    • Lesson 11 - Objective

  • 74

    LESSON 11 - Unit 1

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar: -ㄴ/은 것 같다 It seems to be Adj

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 75

    LESSON 11 - Unit 2

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar: -는 것 같다 / It seems to be V

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 76

    LESSON 11 - Unit 3

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar: -ㄹ/을 필요가 있다/없다 / It needs (not) to V

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 77

    LESSON 11 - Unit 4

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar: -중에서 제일 / the most of all (Superlative)

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 78

    LESSON 11 - Unit 5

    • Overview and Vocabulary 1

    • Dialogue 1

    • Vocabulary 2

    • Dialogue 2

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 79

    LESSON 12 - Objective

    • Lesson 12 - Objective

  • 80

    LESSON 12 - Unit 1

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar: - ㄴ/은 지 되다 / It has been ... since ...

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 81

    LESSON 12 - Unit 2

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1: -을/를 위해서 / for N

    • Grammar 2: -기 위해서 / in order to V

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 82

    LESSON 12 - Unit 3

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar: -게 되다 / come to V

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 83

    LESSON 12 - Unit 4

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1: ~ 덕분에

    • Grammar 2: -ㄴ/은 덕분에

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 84

    LESSON 12 - Unit 5

    • Overview and Vocabulary

    • Grammar 1: -뿐만 아니라 / not only N1 but also N2

    • Grammar 2: -ㄹ/을 뿐만 아니라 / not only A/V1 but also A/V2

    • Summary and Practice

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 85

    LESSON 12 - Unit 6

    • Overview and Vocabulary 1

    • Dialogue 1

    • Vocabulary 2

    • Dialogue 2

    • Homework

    • Homework answers

  • 86

    Final test

    • Final test

  • 87

    Next steps

    • Before you go... we have a few more questions!

    • What's next?

Not ready for level 2?

Take the level one course